WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging application worldwide now, and currently, all the communication is done through WhatsApp itself. Facebook-owned company is adding more and more features to its service that finds users more useful. Recently the company added Disappearing message, Audio Playback speed control, and many more.
However, some evergreen features like WhatsApp stickers are also there, which some users are still facing issues in enabling. You can see how we can enable stickers on WhatsApp.
We will check one of the previous features, and we did not know this one to many people. So many people are asking me whether it is possible to message someone whose number is not saved in our contact. Because WhatsApp is using our phone’s contact to find our friends and family. It will sync the mobile numbers from our contact book and show all the users using WhatsApp.
At some point, many of us think of it that if we can send a message to a WhatsApp number without saving that number to our contacts. Especially when we are contacting someone who is a stranger, and for any temporary needs, in that case, it would be great if we can contact them without saving their number on our phone. Yes, it is possible, and WhatsApp offers an API to send messages even without saving the number.
This option is useful in some cases to message someone you don’t know for some specific reasons. Because if we save the number for a temporary purpose, that person even can see your profile picture and status unless you have set the privacy option as ‘Nobody’. The feature is mostly used in adding a WhatsApp contact link to the website and social media pages. But we can use it for our particular purpose too. To do so, please follow the below steps.
There are some simple third-party tools available to make this process simple, however, if you wish to do it manually you can do it by yourself and it doesn’t need any extra efforts.
Step 1: Open your browser on your mobile like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.
Step 2: In the address bar type the following URL, ‘https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=number’
In the above URL, replace the word ‘number’ with the mobile number of the person whom you are trying to message. One thing noted that you should write the number with country code without zeros and sign.
(Check ‘WhatsApp Private Reply in Group Chat Coming Soon For All Users’)
Eg: If you are trying to message someone in India with number ‘9412345678’, then in the ‘number’ area you need to write ‘919412345678’ since 91 is the country code of India. In the save way if you are messaging to someone with UAE number then in the place of 91, you need to add 971 ie. ‘971xxxxxx’
Step 3: After entering the full URL with the mobile number in the address bar of your browser, hit enter on your keyboard. Then the link will automatically open in your WhatsApp and you will enter into the chat window of that particular number.
You can now send messages to that particular number as others without saving the number, also without affecting your privacy. The chat will be available in your WhatsApp all the time unless you delete it explicitly.