Of late, it is really vital to maintain the proper record of the daily expenses and finances. By having a proper record of your monthly expenses, you can ignore all the unnecessary expenditures like going for shopping malls, pubs, and drinks. There are several Android apps that can help you in tracking all your expenses. Are you looking for the best 3 expenses and finance managing App for your Android phone right now? If yes is your answer, then let’s go through some of the best 3 expense tracking app for your Android device.
Monefy is a reliable and famous personal expense tracker app that has a simple interface. It will be easy for you to manage all your expenses by various categories such as food, transport, clothes, bills, entertainment and many more. Income will be also categorized by salary, deposits, and savings. The user interface is very simple and easy to understand for the users. Also, Monefy comes with great support of Widget for smooth entry of data. All your daily expenses will be reflected in the informative charts so that you would not face any issues while going through all of them.
There are also some other features also which include support for multiple accounts, passcode protection, built-in-calculator, synchronization and many more. It is free to use and you do not have to pay anything for using it.
Wallet is one of the famous expense and finance managing app for Android users. You just have to log in using your Facebook, Google or email account. All your finances would be synced automatically. With the help of this app, you would be able to save your hard-earned money and can plan for your bright future. The graphs are very simple which would show you deep analysis of all your expenses and finances. If you want, you can share selected accounts with your relatives or family members to focus more on a budget.
There are also some other features which include multiple currency support, PIN lock, debt management, warranty and tracking and many more. This expense and finance managing app is also free and no need to pay anything.
Daily Expenses 2
Daily Expenses is another reliable and trustworthy finance managing app for Android users. It is mainly designed to manage your income and monthly expenses. You can enter all the transaction and receipt details, track expenses and income and review reports. The app is very simple to navigate and also lightweight. For tracking your credit card and bank transactions, you would get the separate fields. You can select the currency and data format of your country. This app is free to use for everyone.
Finally, you are aware of the best 3 expense and finance managing app for Android. You can use these apps for managing your household expenses and finances easily without any hassle for sure. The free version covers all the main functions.
So, what are you waiting for? Track your finance and expenses now.
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