So you want to purchase a gaming monitor, but you don’t know from where to start. Choosing the right gaming monitor can be a little bit challenging and horrifying for various people as there are so many options and features to keep in mind.

The processor, graphics card, hard drive, SSD, and memory all create a balanced gaming system. Still, your monitor is just as important in facilitating that balance in the system.

This article discusses everything you need to know about gaming monitors and ensures that you’re obtaining the perfect gaming monitor for your needs and preferences.

Key Features for Smooth Gaming Experience

Following are some key features that you need to look at if you are looking for a good gaming monitor with a smoother experience.

1. Refresh Rate and Response Time

Refresh Rate is one of the essential features for gaming monitors as it is closely connected to the frame rates of the monitor.

A monitor’s refresh rate shows how frequently it displays a new image on the screen, calculated in Hertz (Hz).


Therefore, a monitor with a refresh rate of 60 Hz can display up to 60 frames per second, which is the minimum Refresh Rate for every gaming monitor.

Typically, the gameplay appears smoother, responds faster, and generally looks better with higher refresh rates. That’s why; gaming monitors with higher refresh rates are the popular choices for the user, like monitors with 144 Hz are comparatively better than monitors with 60 Hz refresh rate.

Apart from the Refresh Rate, Response Time is also an important factor for a gaming monitor.

It shows how fast a gaming monitor needs to move from one color to another at the pixel level.

Many gaming monitors have a response time of 5ms or 4ms, which is quite acceptable.

However, monitors with a response time of 1ms and have are the best choice for gaming purposes. There is a complete list of low response rate monitors available on the best monitors. So you can check them out as well.

2. Adaptive Sync (Nvidia G-Sync and AMD FreeSync)

This feature syncs the refresh rate between your Graphics Card and your monitor’s display screen.

The notion behind this feature is that when both the Graphics Card of your PC and your Gaming Monitor is in Sync, there is less probability of screen tearing and stutter, which provides “butter-smooth gaming” on display makes your gameplay faster and smoother without any lag.


Adaptive Sync is of two types: Nvidia G-Sync and AMD’s FreeSync.

FreeSync and G-Sync both enable your gaming monitor to refresh at a rate that matches your Graphics Card.

Firstly, it should be noted that you can’t use AMD’s FreeSync with an NVIDIA Graphics Card. Similarly, you can’t use Nvidia’s G-Sync technology with an AMD Graphics Card.

Eventually, both the adaptive sync technologies are suitable for the performance of your gaming monitor. It mainly depends on your Graphics Card and your budget for the gaming system.

3. Types of Display Panels

There are generally three kinds of display panels used in the monitors –Twisted Nematic Panels, In-plane Switching Panels, and Vertical Alignment Panels.

TN (Twisted Nematic) Panels

These are the cheapest display panel used in gaming monitors. The response time of these panels is around 1ms, which is comparatively very fast for gaming monitors. However, the drawback of these panels is that they don’t have strong picture quality and a wide-viewing angle (or viewing angle).


IPS (In-plane Switching) Panel

In-plane Switching panels provide the finest picture quality because of the better wide-viewing angles and color accuracy on display. However, they’re a bit costly than the TN Display Panels, and they come with a higher response time (the finest IPS Panels have a response time of 4ms).

VA (Vertical Alignment) Panels

These types of panels provide better wide-viewing angles (or viewing angles) along with a better picture quality than TN Display Panels. Although, VA Panels have common issues with ghosting due to the higher response time of these display panels. They are significantly more expansive than the TN Display Panels and are somewhat closer to IPS Display Panels in terms of price.

If you’re a hardcore gamer who doesn’t have a high budget for the Gaming Monitor, then the TN Display Panel with higher response time and faster refresh rates can be your perfect choice for the display technologies.

Or else, you can consider IPS Panels for your high-budget gaming monitor, which makes your gaming setup faster and smoother.

4. Aspect Ratio

The Aspect Ratio is the ratio between the width and height of the display screen, which states the broadness of the display screen.

It is generally denoted in W: H, where W stands for Width and H stands for Height of the display screen. Most of the monitors have an Aspect Ratio of 16:9, and there’re other monitors with a Ratio of 21:9, which are also known as Ultrawide Monitors. Monitors with an aspect ratio of 32:9 are termed Super Ultrawide Monitors.


With relevance to gaming monitors, Ultrawide Monitors with an aspect ratio of 21:9 can significantly benefit the users because of the broader range of vision on the monitor.


If you want to take your gaming experience to a whole new level, you surely need to purchase a good gaming monitor.

But for that, you also have to consider what factors are essential for the better performance of your gaming monitor, which we’ve discussed briefly in this article. I hope so this article will help you a lot in resolving your query about gaming monitors.