Sharing post as a user in Facebook is an easy task, which is also easy on the Mobile application too. But some people finds it difficult to do the same thing on mobile application. Sharing other post from the mobile application as a user is not a major problem, but for doing the same as a page can be achieved by the following steps.

Step 1. Click on the ‘Share’ below the post.

Step 2. Then a small popup will appear, click on the ‘Write Post’ option from that.

Step 3. In the next screen, the sharing option page will come, in that page, ‘Share to Facebook’ drop down option will appear at the top of the screen, Click on that.

Step 4. In the dropdown, click on the ‘On your Page’ option.

Step 5. On the next screen, you will see all the pages associated to your account. Click on the page, you want to share to.

Step 6. Write some text for that post, if you want.

Step 7. Click on the ‘Publish’ button to post the content.

Done, the post will now appear on your page.

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