The recently launched Binge Service was not letting users register for it through the website, but the issue was solved and the company is now relaunched the offer with free Fire TV stick and streaming services for Rs. 249 per month. Tata Sky Binge offer is an OTT based service by the company for its users. However, the registration for the service was through the website and currently, it is not allowing users to register. It is also to be noted that, Dish TV also launched a similar service named Dish SMRT Stick and the registration is active for its users.
What are Tata Sky Binge Service and it Offers?
Tata Sky Binge service is an OTT based subscription service in which selected Tata Sky users will have access to the contents of applications such as Hotstar, Eros Now, Hungama Plan and Sun NXT. All the service will be available under one Tata Sky subscription at a rate of Rs. 249 per month.
The most important highlight of the service is that, with a small amount of subscription, you are getting all the 4 services. Whereas you need to pay more if you take the subscription separately. Let us see, how the calculation will work. The Hotstar annual subscription is Rs. 999. So in a month, it will be around Rs. 83 (999/12). For Eros Now, the annual subscription is Rs. 588, so the monthly subscription is Rs. 49. In the case of Hungama Play, it is Rs. 1399, so the monthly cost is Rs. 116. For Sun NXT, it is Rs. 480 per year. For every month it will be Rs. 40.
Now, adding each service cost individually, you need to pay 288. Whereas Binge offers the service at a monthly cost of Rs. 249.
Tata Sky Offers Free Fire TV Stick along with Binge
One you are provided with the Tata Sky Binge offer, you will get a free Fire TV Stick worth Rs. 3,999/-, so that all the Binge OTT service can be enjoyed on the TV screen along with the Mobile. Tata Sky is offering the device free of charge and on one condition. Once the user stops the Binge Service, they need to return the device too.
To enjoy the streaming contents via Fire TV stick, the user needs to have a good Internet conn,ection in the Home, either a Wifi enabled Broadband or with a mobile Wifi Hotspot.
How to get Tata Sky Binge Offers?
Tata Sky Binge offer currently in beta stage, in which users can submit their request through their website, Later, Tata Sky executive will call you and will provide you with the service. As mentioned above, the service is only for selected customers and not all those who submitted the forms are eligible for it.
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