Duta.in is an interactive WhatsApp service available in India, which will help you to obtain the latest news, sports, entertainment, devotional, finance, and interactive services.
The service is simple, but any official WhatsApp services. However, it can be used to get news, cricket score, etc.
Please check the update about the service at the end of the artcile
How to Join Duta
Step 1: Add the number +919094731102 or +919094756135 to your phone contact with any name, say “DUTA”.
Step 2: Please create a new WhatsApp Group, add the DUTA number to it.
Step 3: Add your friends and relatives to that WhatsApp group (if you wish so that others also get the information). Or enjoy DUTA service by yourself
Step 4: Now you will get updates to form the service. To join each service, follow the steps.
To get Cricket updates.
Send “+cricket” to the group. (You can unsubscribe from the channel anytime by sending “-cricket”)
Also see : Send Messages to multiple friends at same time in Whatsapp
To get Latest News
Send “+news” to the group. (You can unsubscribe from the channel anytime by sending “-news”)
You can also get information such as Entertainment, Finance, Celebrities, Devotion, etc.
You can check all the services from the providers website.
Update: Currently the service is not available as we can see that the links in the duta’s website is not wroking. So we are not reccomending to use it anyomore.
Duta not work in group.
Its not showing in my contact.
Duta is is not available in my WhatsApp list
Its Not Working
I think the service is not available now.
All cricket live score update