WhatsApp is adding more and more features to its Android and IOS version of application everyday. The company knows that changes and features are the important factors everyone looking for, so that they are adding more features each day to keep the market in their hands. Now the company added some new features to its Android version.

(Also see : WhatsApp ā€“ Option to Reply to Specific Message)

The call back and voice mailing feature are the main update now the users are receiving. With this feature, when you are going to make a call with the whatapp, the person you are calling didn’t picked-up the phone then you will get a screen with two options, one ‘call back’ button to call again and another one is ‘record voice message’ button where you can directly record a voice mail there and send to the same person.

(Also see : Change the Font Size of WhatsApp Chat in Android)

This new feature is available in the latest version 2.16.225, which started rolling out already. If your whatsapp is not the latest one, then go to playstore and update with the latest version.

As we discussed in the beginning, whatsapp will add more feature in the coming days also, the beta testers now received a new feature to forward a message to multiple person together. Right now, if we are forwarding a message we are able to forward it only to one person/group. Now with the new update while forwarding we can select from the contact and send it to multiple person together. It will also show the most messaged person at the top too as priority list. This version will soon available in Playstore.

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