If you’re a busy person, receiving calls all day long, love to hear music on your own, or are an individual much interested in exploring high-tech gadgets, then you’d be undoubtedly aware of what AirPods are. These are wireless tools, like earphones, which offer high-quality sound, with an easy configuration just connecting it via Bluetooth. In the previous artcile, we have checked how we can connect the Airpods to a Mac and Laptop in general, here we are going to see, how to connect AirPods to Windows 10.

In this regard, people often try connecting their AirPods to more significant devices like tablets, computers, laptops, etc. Though connecting your ear device, there isn’t a big deal; there are times when you need proper guidance. For example, millions of people work from home, and to maintain silence and not disturb their family with their office’s work, they generally use these AirPods, which also aid in the clear hearing of the content.

You might be in a video call or attending a live session online, for which you need these. Sound problems generally do not occur here, but if your device has gotten a bit older or has any sound issues for other reasons, you may face sound-related issues on your AirPods. The AirPods sounding muffled issue is once a such problem. The good thing is that most of the issues are mostly fixable too.

On doing a little bit of study on this, people often ask how to connect AirPods to windows 10. If you’re seeking the same answer, then the below sections await you. Check it there in detail.

Connecting AirPods to a Windows 10 Computer

Before connecting your AirPods to your Windows 10 device, ensure they are inside the AirPods case first. It is a systematic process but primarily very simple, have patience, and apply them one by one. Plenty of AirPods Users Manuals are available, which helps with the process. First, however, we will check here in detail about the process of connecting AirPods to Windows 10.

Step 1: Close the Airpods inside the case: First, ensure that you have kept your AirPods inside the case, being fully charged, and keep them there for a few seconds.

Step 2: Open the AirPods case to connect to your Windows 10 computer. You can keep the AirPods outside the case or inside. That doesn’t matter. Just make sure that the case is open.

Step 3: Ensure the LED lights are flashing: To connect your AirPods with your Windows 10 device, you need to ensure that the LED light of your Airpod case is flashing. After that, you’ll be able to access a circular button at the back of your AirPods case, regarded as the Setup button. And you’ll be able to access the LED light inside the Airpod case if the version is a bit old, but new models have the flashlight in front of them.

Step 4: Go to Settings on your Windows Device: Next, you must access the Settings on your Windows 10 device. Click on the Windows icon in the screen’s bottom-left corner; generally, the Settings icon is present just above the power icon.

Step 5: Search for Devices: Accessing the Settings of your Windows device, you’ll find an option saying Bluetooth and Devices. These options can be present in the left corner of your screen or the middle, depending upon your default settings. After clicking on that, you’ll be able to see a plus (+) sign present at the top of the window. Click here to search the nearby devices. Also, ensure your Bluetooth is turned on; if not, turn it on from the place below the plus sign.

Step 6: Connect with your Airpods – Next, you need to select a Bluetooth device, and this time, you need to connect to your AirPods. After you click on the plus sign from the Bluetooth section of your Windows 10, some options will pop up in the displayed menu, and you need to click on Bluetooth there. After that, a list of devices will appear from a drop-down menu, where you’ll be able to find the available devices nearby. Click on the name of your AirPods that will come, and allow your Windows 10 computer to finish pairing with the AirPods.

Step 7: After you finish pairing, your device is good to go, and now you can take your AirPods outside the charging case and do your convenient work on your computer quickly and without disturbing anyone else.

Once you connect your AirPods with your windows devices, you’re all set to attend any meeting sessions or organize a get-together and many more things, however, once you have paid for these devices, there’s a process by which you need to disconnect them, suppose you need to pair your AirPods with your phone or any other device, and you’re in a hurry.

And also, at the same time, you’re not aware of how to disconnect them methodically. For example, increasing the distance between two Bluetooth devices will destroy the connection, but experts suggest not to do so, as it can later hamper your connection stability. Here’s how the methodological process works.

Disconnecting Airpods from Windows 10 Computer

Disconnecting AirPods from your computer isn’t a big deal, as it is primarily done the same way you connected it. You need to disconnect your AirPods from your Windows 10 device.

Step 1: First, click on the Windows logo present in the bottom-left corner of your computer.

Step 2: Access Settings. Click here and go to Bluetooth and Devices.

Step 3: Selecting there will give you a list of available Bluetooth devices nearby and your AirPods connected to your Windows 10 computer. Click on your Airpod device, and then select Remove.

These three simple steps will fully disconnect your Apple AirPods from the Windows 10 computer, and now you’ll be able to connect it with your phone or any other devices. After clicking on the remove, a warning message might pop-up asking if you are sure that you want to remove this device or not. Finally, you need to click on OK. You can later pair up your Airpods with Windows 10 in the same way as discussed earlier in the article.