Of late, the internet plays an important role in our daily activities and life without the internet is unimaginable for sure. Several websites on the internet are only restricted to a particular audience and not appropriate for the kids. Online safety is a primary concern for parents all around the world. Kids are always curious and may not aware of online threats. If you are allowing your kids to use the internet, then you surely want your kids to be safer online. Also, it would be better to check out their browsing activities to make sure they are accessing only appropriate websites. In this situation, you should take the help of Norton Family software to track your kid’s online activities. By using this software, you would be able to block unsuitable suites while your kids are browsing the websites and keep them secure too.

This is parental control software launched by the Norton where you can easily track your kids browsing activities without any hassle for sure. By browsing the adult contents and various other inappropriate images, your kid’s future will be ruined. To save your kids a bright future, you should use Norton Family without any second thought. It is also possible to set restrictions and limits around your kid’s device so that you will be tension free. You can schedule what times of the week or day your kids can use Android or PC devices.

With the help of Norton Family, you can also check what your kids are doing online at any time. The user interface is incredible and simple to operate for the users. It is easy to create an account and start using it for tracking your kid’s online browsing activities. This parental control software is available for iPhone, Android, and Windows users. You can also lock your kid’s desktop or mobile devices whenever you want to talk to them for any issues.

You can set appropriate browsing rules and get alerts if your kids are trying to break any rules. Due to its great user-interface and design, it is very simple to use for everyone. It would be better for you to install the Norton Family app on your device for getting full access to parental controls, and on your kid’s device to start checking out their activities. Make sure you are disabling existing browsers on your kid’s device so that the Norton family will take care of effective monitoring for sure.


The Norton Family gives great protection to your kid’s online activities and makes you tension free for sure. It is simple to block any adult sites and get notification whenever your kids are trying to access those blocked sites. You would get a notification whenever it happens so that you can talk to your children about it. It will better for the parents to take 6 months of Norton family complimentary for their kids. For enforcing strict house rules, supervise online activities and teaching good habits to your kids, you should use this parental control software right now itself!

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