Shared hosting is one of the cheapest and genuine ways to host your website. It is offered by most hosting providers available in the market for users all around the world. Several shared web hosting providers can meet your overall requirements for sure.

Best Shared Hosting

Are you looking for the best 5 shared web hosting providers right now? If yes is your answer, then let’s go through some of the best-shared web hostings which you should be aware of.


Siteground is a reliable and secure shared hosting provider that would be perfect for small businesses and personal sites. It offers best-shared hosting features, support options, better help, and 99.90% uptime. However, it has a limited disk space of 30GB only and no free domain but free backups on all shared plans.

It has three paid plans with essential features, including free website builders, SSL security, daily backups, and email accounts. However, if you are looking for large disk space, you should look for another one.


Bluehost offers many features such as domain privacy and is even the number one provider recommended by WordPress. However, it would be better for you to understand that SSL security is only free on the Pro plan. It provides regular automatic backups, a performance-enhancing content delivery network Cloudflare, a domain manager, and a spam expert.

It has three paid plans, and you can go for a Pro plan which is available at just $13.95 per month to boost your site. It would give you more strength and advanced options than other plans for sure. You can find a Bluehost coupon to get the hosting for much lower price.


DreamHost provides a better range of shared hosting features and is one of the reliable hosting providers recommended by WordPress. It is strongest in terms of support and help or uptime and also offers a 97 days money-back guarantee and affordable prices, you can never argue with DreamHost’s value for money.

Its plan is available at just $2.59 per month, and you would get one website, unlimited traffic, a free domain, a free SSL certificate, and fast SSD storage. You should note that WordPress comes pre-installed, and you would be able to save your precious time and effort for sure.


Hostinger is one of the cheapest shared hosting providers on the market today. It offers various features, including 24/7 WordPress support, a free domain name, One-click WordPress installation, and several enhanced features such as a free SSL certificate and daily backups. As a website owner, you would have everything you need at an affordable price. It is a strong choice for both newbies and experienced WordPress developers.


InterServer provides fantastic performance while also offering unlimited resources and a variety of best features to protect and boost your website. For example, you would get easy to use Control Panel, unlimited domains, Unlimited Storage and transfer, free website migration, and also price lock guarantee. In addition, it offers knowledgeable customer support and fast speed.

Finally, you are aware of the best 3 shared web hosting providers to boost your website. You can choose any one of them as per your overall needs.

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