Shimeji Browser Extension can be a name familiar to most of us. However, if you are not aware of that, we will let you know the Shimeji Browser Extension and how you can install and use it on your favorite browser.

What is Shimeji Browser Extension?

Shimeji Browser Extension is one of the popular browser extensions for google chrome and chrome os. However, Shimeji Extension is not a productive or essential tool for your browser. Instead, Shimeji is a fun-based browser extension in which you can activate a little emoji-like animation character named Shimeji, which will appear on the browser window.

It is just for fun, and the Shimejis will walk, climb, and crawl over the screen. It can also perform some fun activities on the screen. For example, while browsing the website, you can drag the Shimeji to any portion of the browser window. It will freely walk over the screen and touch and click on the website elements.

Since Shimeji is so popular, you can see the Shimeji animations in many popular animation series, games, and movies. Furthermore, you can download different Shimeji animations or Shimeji buddies per your interest from the Shimeji directory. Each Shimeji buddy has unique behaviors.

Why do we need Shimeji Browser Extension?

The only purpose of the extension is for fun. So, you can have some fun while browsing the internet, as the little animated characters can do some fun activity on any web page. So, you can install them on your browser if you wish to have some fun while visiting any website.

How to Download & Install Shimeji Browser Extension?

Shimeji Extension will work only on Google Chrome, and you can download the extension from the chrome webstore. If you are using ChromeOS, you can also install it from the chrome webstore.

An Android version of Shimeji is available to download, making the same fun over your mobile screen while browsing. In addition, you can install the Shimeji Browser Extension app from PlayStore.

Some Frequently asked questions about Shimeji Browser Extension.

What is a Shimeji?

Shimeji is a set of animated characters activated on your chrome browser once you install and activate the Shimeji extension from the chrome webstore. Shimejis are small animated buddies who can do fun activities on your monitor screen while browsing the internet. So we can say that Shimeji characters can help you relax during work and other online activities.

How to Download Shimeji on Browser?

Goto chrome extensions (chrome webstore) and search for Shimeji Extension or click the ‘Add to Chrome’ button to download and install on your chrome browser.

How to Find the Shimeji Packs for the Shimeji Extension

Shimeji Extension is vast, and you can find the Shimeji Packs from the Shimeji Directory. Some of the popular Shimeji Packs listed in the Shimeji Directory are

Adventure Time includes BMO, Finn, Fionna, Jake, Lumpy Space Princess, Marceline, and Marshall Lee.

Alice in the Country of Hearts – It consists of Ace, Boris, and Julius

Apex Legends – Octane, Revenant, Wattson, Wraith, Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Crypto, Lifeline, Loba, and Pathfinder

Assassin’s Creed – Cesare, Desmond, Ezio, Kadar, Leonardo da Vinci, Malik, and Yusuf

Attack on Titan – Annie Leonhardt, Armin Arlert, Connie Springer, Eren Jaeger, Hanji Zoe, Historia Reiß, Jean Kirschtein, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Braus and Ymir

The Avengers – Bruce Banner, Captain America, Hawkeye, Loki, Loki (helmet), and Tony Stark

BBC Sherlock – John Watson, Jim Moriarty, Mycroft, and Sherlock

The Beatles – George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr

Blobs – Blob

Bendy and the Ink Machine – Bendy

Shimeji Browser Extension for Microsoft Edge

Shimeji extension is developed for Chrome and Chrome-based browsers, so you can also use the Shimeji Extension on Microsoft Edge. Either you can download the same from the chrome webstore, or you can download the same from the Edge Webstore as the Edge Addon.

Is Shimeji Available on Firefox?

Unfortunately, as it is a Chrome-based addon, it is not available only for Firefox. If you are a Firefox user, you cannot use the Shimeji extension on Firefox. In that case, the only possible way is to switch to Google Chrome Browser.

What is Shimeji Directory?

Not all animated buddies are available once you install Shimeji for your browser. However, the buddies are listed in the Shimeji directory, and you can download the Shimeji Buddy as per your choice. In addition, many Shimeji Buddies are available to download from the Shimeji Directory.

Is Shimeji App Safe to Download?

Shimeji For Chrome is not an app but an extension and is safe to use. It is like the other extensions available in the chrome webstore, and there won’t be any issue using them. However, it is better to monitor the system resource usage, as these animated characters are not essential elements and can reduce the system speed if you hold a low-end PC.

Is Shimeji for Android and IOS Available?

An Android version of the Shimeji app is available to download from PlayStore. But the IOS version is not available. The android version provides only two animated characters for free, and if you need additional characters, you need to pay for them. Also, note that, on your mobile, it is not available as a browser extension. It is an application based on Android only.

Shimeji For iPhone will be Available?

As said before, Shimejis are currently available for Chrome and Android devices, and we can’t use the same on iPhones now. It is also not sure that we can expect an iOS version due to the security restrictions on iOS devices.

Can I Install Shimeji Unblocked Version on Firefox or Safari

Unfortunately, Shimeji is available only in the Chrome web browser as Shimeji Chrome Extension; hence, the unblocked shimeji browser extension cannot be installed on other browsers like Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc. If you wish to use the shimeji browser extension, the only possible option is to use the Chrome browser.

Shimeji Browser Extension for Mac, Windows, and Linix

It is to be noted that Shimeji Extension is a browser add-on. It is not an application you can directly install on your Windows, Mac, or Linux Machine. So, whatever your operating system is, whether Windows 11 or 10, macOS Monterey or BigSur, Linux, or a ChromeOS device, you can install the Shimeji Browser extension on your Google Chrome or other chromium-based browsers. There is no dependency on the operating system.

Is Shimeji Worth?

As said above, it is not a productivity app or extension, the Shimeji Animated Characters are only for fun, and if you need some fun along with work, you can try it. But make sure it is not affecting your work and the system’s performance. If you are the one that primarily focuses on productivity, then you better avoid using the extension, as Shimejis can affect your concentration.

Does Shimeji Extension Slow Down Browser Speed?

Shimeji Browser Extension has also used system resources as with any other extension. It will add additional load over the browser while you are using them. So, it will impact the speed and performance of the browser. If your system is low on resources, it is not recommended to use Shimeji Extension since it won’t add value to productivity. However, you can try it out if you use a high-end PC.

Shimeji Browser Extension on Chrome iPad Version

On iPad also, you are getting the iOS version of chrome browser that doesn’t support extensions. So chrome extensions don’t support the iPad and iPhone versions of Chrome, so you cannot install the Shimeji Extension on iPad.

How to Install Shimeji Extension on Other Browsers and Use Shimeji Directory

Shimeji Browser Extension was made for Chrome, and you can install it and use Shimeji Directory on the chrome browser. Additionally, all the chromium-based browsers also support chrome extensions. So you can install the Shimeji Browser extension on any chromium-based browser like Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc.

Can we Install Shimeji for the Phone Version from Third-party Website?

Currently, there is no option to get a Shimeji for Phone app. The Shimeji app can only be installed on a chrome browser as the shimeji browser extension. If you find any Shimeji apps for the phone, those might be fake. So, we recommend using only the original shimeji browser extension for chrome.

Is there any Shimeji Desktop App Available?

Currently, there is no desktop app available for the Shimeji animation. Shimeji is a chrome-based tool that can be used and downloaded to any chromium-based web browser like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, etc. On any desktop or mac, you can use Google Chrome or any chromium-browser to experience the Shimeji.

Is Shimeji Unblocked For Arc Browser?

Yes, since Arc is a browser based on the chromium engine, you can install all the extensions from the chrome webstore. Therefore shimeji extension can also be installed in the Arc browser.

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