Amazon, for doubt, is one of the major and top e-commerce platforms worldwide. The platform is one of the leading business platforms for most business owners, and on the same side, it is the primary platform for buyers to get products at a cheaper price.

Think of a condition in which the amazon account is locked. If you are a buyer, in that case, you won’t be able to purchase any item from Amazon, and if you are a seller or a business owner, then your business might get affected by the same.

How and Why the Amazon Account Locked?

In this article, we are going to check, what are the reasons for getting the Amazon Account Locked. Due to the amazon account lock, many users are asking how to unlock amazon account to fix the issue. There are multiple reasons for getting on amazon. The following are the few main reasons.

False and Fake Address Details

One main issue and the locking of amazon accounts is due to the fake details provided by the users. Some users provide false and random address details, including phone numbers, email, locations, etc. Amazon uses fraud detection and may randomly check fake details. Once such incorrect information is detected, the account will get locked instantly.

To avoid the Fake Address and Amazon Account lock issue, always use real and correct address details, including phone number and email address.

A Large Number of Orders from New Account

If the amazon account was newly created, and you are making a large number of orders, then the chances are high that your account will get locked. As mentioned before, amazon always uses a fraud detection mechanism. If they find a significant number of orders are placed soon after the account creation, the account will be considered fake or fraudulent and eventually get locked.

So, if your account is new, avoid placing bulk orders soom after the account creation. Regular daily usage orders won’t cause any issues, and you won’t find the account locking issues.

Large Number of Returns

Similar to the number of orders, the number of returns is also a big issue. Whether your amazon account is new or old, a significant spike in the number of returns may result in the account lock issue. If the return is genuine, it won’t make any issue. But continuous returns and a large number of returns in a short period will force amazon to lock your account.

If you are a genuine buyer and initiating a return request for a genuine reason, then no need to worry, but avoid making a return request unwanted, which will cause the amazon account to get blocked.

Avoid VPN Frequently to Access Amazon Acccount

There is no issue in using a VPN or any other service for online activity. However, if you are using a VPN and changing the location too frequently and at the same time you are accessing the Amazon account, the chances are high that your amazon account can be locked.

If the IP address changes too frequently, amazon will consider your account a hacked account, and to avoid fraud activity, your account will be locked.

Using VPN is not an issue, even for amazon account access. But avoid frequent location switching while using an amazon account, as the IP address changes constantly.


The points mentioned above are common reasons for the locking of amazon accounts. If you are using the amazon account genuinely, there won’t be any issue. However, keep a note of the points mentioned above to avoid the amazon account issue, and you won’t have to ask yourself, why myAmazon Account is Locked?