Everywhere you look, unfortunate designers, layout designers, marketers, coaches, herpetologists, CRM sellers, and other representatives of modern professions sell their services to businessmen for fabulous money. In return, they promise a geyser of orders, qualified leads, a flow of customers, and a dense flow of buyers.
But in reality, this translates into deceived expectations, emptying budgets, and undermining confidence in specialists. Many entrepreneurs do not understand that a site without advertising, a multi-channel outbound platform, or an advertisement launched on an unprepared site for this, is a dead weight that pumps out money. And unfortunate specialists are happy to try. These secrets are revealed by the GetSales.io lead generation tool.
You do not need separate services for website development, personalized campaigns, advertising customization, or logo creation. Instead, you need predictable leads and calls from potential customers, i.e., outbound lead generation provided by the GetSales.io sales automation solution. This is what we’ll talk about today.
What is lead generation?
Consider this question from a beginner’s point of view. Do you have a product or service? You want to attract customers and make sales. In the 21st century, the Internet is actively used for this. You see that competitors have a website and immediately rush to make the same one grow your business.
Hire a designer, and pay him fabulous money, because he claims that sales depend on design. Then you turn to a copywriter for help; he writes texts. And then, the layout designer and programmer – assemble the site and launch it as an all-in-one sales platform. Sometimes this process is faster if you contact the web studio.
So what’s the problem?
The problem lies on the surface. You feed parasites. And to realize this, answer yourself the question, what is all this for? What do you want to achieve by creating a website or landing page? Why do you need to set up contextual or targeted advertising? In 99% of cases out of 100%, the answer will sound simple – I need clients or leads in the language of marketing.
Leads are applications or calls from potential customers that come from the site. So, for the product or service to be sold.
- Be in demand. Are you sure your proposal is now relevant and necessary for someone? Will your product be bought?
- Have a clearly defined USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This is the foundation of the foundations, comrades. Then, either you are different from your competitors, or you merge with the gray mass, and no landing page will help here.
- Clearly understand why you are better than others. Would you buy from yourself? Think about whether you offer favorable conditions for cooperation.
- Have a competitive price. Have you conducted a marketing analysis and studied the prices of competitors? If not, this is task number two after compiling the USP.
- Express yourself. And this is precisely what you will need to do with the help of the website and landing page.
Three easy steps for clients
If you are sure that your product or service is in demand, you have clearly defined advantages and a competitive price tag, an all-in-one solution, and a well-formed USP – congratulations, you are ready to make a name for yourself launch lead generation. So, what is needed for this:
- Create a website or landing page with a competent structure that your potential customers will get to;
- Launch traffic, or, more simply, set up advertising (the varieties of which I will tell you below) so that potential customers can find your online resource on the Internet and land on it;
- Receive and process received applications and calls (ideally, enter them into the CRM system).
It may seem that these three steps exist separately from each other. That is, you ordered the site in one place, then came with it to advertising specialists, and they set everything up together. But therein lies the problem.
The uncoordinated actions of unfortunate specialists lead to the fact that you simply drain the budget but do not get customers via the Internet.
Why are lead generation services in demand now?
In this regard, an increasing number of businessmen are choosing lead generation services qualified leads. This eliminates the need to look for the guilty. You conclude a contract for the provision of lead generation services, make a payment and are guaranteed to receive applications from potential customers.
You do not need to separately control how the site is being created, how advertising is set up, what advertising channels are involved, and what intermediate results are available multi-channel outbound platform.
Advantages of lead generation
- You get real clients. You are not interested in how much it costs to develop a site, launch advertising, and do other preliminary work. You pay a fixed price for 1 lead (potential client contact);
- You save time and effort. You do not need to track each lead generation stage and be responsible for the quality of intermediate results (coordinate work with a copywriter, designer, or director).
- You don’t need to look for someone to blame. The cost of a lead is specified in the contract. So you pay a certain amount and get a certain number of leads. And if something goes wrong, you have someone to ask.
Conclusion of getting quick leads
After reading this article, you have learned what lead generation services are, how they are provided, and what you will get. Now you will no longer supply unfortunate specialists and waste your budget.
After all, a more profitable and simple solution is to receive calls and applications from potential customers, paying a specific price for specific, predictable leads. What could be more straightforward and more pleasant?