There are 60+ social media websites in the world today. But, only a dozen or so of them are heavily used by users all over the world. So, as an eCommerce brand, if you can get hold of a small slice of that population, your store turnover could go through the roof.

Can an eCommerce brand launch its sales graph to the moon with social media fuel?

This is the plot of my today’s blog. I am someone who is an ardent user of the most popular social media platforms. But, unfortunately, I am also someone who makes impulsive online purchases. This makes me a perfect specimen for social media marketing tactics.

For the past couple of months, I have observed how the online shops where I shop have successfully converted me from a disinterested onlooker into an impulsive smoker with their social media marketing.

It turns out there is an invisible thread that connects them all. A common pattern of working, a way of conveying a message, showcasing the products, and then finally selling it to me. Any eCommerce brand that uses such tactics is sure to turn around its top line and bottom line.

Social media platforms and how to put them to best use

Before we get started, I want to give you a primer on using the various platforms to your benefit. For instance, you can use Facebook for a specific cause while using YouTube for something else. You cannot use them interchangeably. Now, here is the real deal of how to use them the right way.


With 1.59 Billion + active users, Facebook is rightfully a planet of its own. You can find all kinds of users there, from pre-teens to millennials to super seniors. That makes it an excellent platform to raise brand awareness. Also, the latest addition of Facebook Messenger Bots simplifies replying to customer queries instantly.


The little bluebird is not as strong as Facebook in terms of the user base. Nevertheless, it has a raging newsfeed behavior that picks up trends almost instantly. In my experience, tweets and retweets have spread more news and publicity than any other medium. Hence, Twitter is your go-to destination to drive fan engagement. Don’t forget to use the right hashtags.


I have seen many peers write off LinkedIn as a job portal. It is not. What it is an excellent place to nurture relationships, especially with your business stakeholders, including customers. LinkedIn has its own aura and formality, making it a perfect place to seek and attain honest opinions and recommendations for your business.


The world’s biggest online video sharing website is one place where I have remained hooked to hours-long videos of product unboxing, launch events, spec reviews, and whatnot. All the product videos that are up for sale in your store need a good home to live and thrive in. And, YouTube is the grandest mansion you can find for that.


Those countless pins that I used to save for inspiration have, with time, become my just bought items. Pinterest has come up with an exclusive merchandise selling feature that allows eCommerce players to sell their wares.

It allows retailers to pin beautiful images of their wares which show up for relevant search results. And Pinterest also has a killer machine learning algorithm that gives a steady feed of related pins to which any resistance from buying is futile.


Instagram is a melting pot of culture, fashion, food, music, art, and whatnot. No wonder the app, initially conceived for image sharing, has now turned into a way of life. It is also a beehive for influencers.

It attracts all kinds of influencers worldwide who post stunning images that rake up millions of hearts and comments. Instagram also enables retailers to run carousel ads which helps re-target customers who either abandoned carts or added products to their wish lists.


WhatsApp is not exactly a social media platform. It is actually an instant messaging app. But, the recent updates that it has been getting have changed its face and purpose. Especially the status updates that resemble Instagram stories and WhatsApp for business makes it closely aligned with any social media app would do. For example, as a retailer, one can show the latest products to customers in their contacts or even use the messaging feature for order tracking.

Some common ways to use social media for eCommerce

Now that you have seen how each social media platform can be used, it is time to known some clever ways how it can be used to sell more.

Use visual content

The whole social media world runs on visual content. For example, product images, customer images, demos, and so on make excellent visual content that interested customers might want to look at.

Say it loud with videos

Videos have the power to have your audience glued to the screen. So, especially well-thought video ad campaigns can result in high conversion rates. And, nowhere else can you find a huge population to show it than social media.

Run retargeting email campaigns

Every eCommerce store faces the onslaught of cart abandonment. Poor security, unclear shipping costs, lengthy processes, etc., can lead to cart abandonment. For data security & to improve confidence of customers on website, Cheap price EV SSL certificate can help to fix it.

For the rest, you can plan to rewire your processes to make things easy for customers. To bring those customers who have already abandoned carts, you can always shoot them retargeting email campaigns along with a discount offer or a promo code.

Spread virally with influencers

Subject matter experts, creative brains, beautiful faces, popular Instagrammers – there are a whole lot of influencers you can rope in to make your content go viral. They can actually boost the organic traffic to your posts also.

Social Media as a springboard for your eCommerce business

There is nothing so fascinating as social media. It connects people with such velocity and variety that it would be a shame if eCommerce businesses don’t use them to their advantage. Even some sellers now taking advantage of social media to automate all their selling processes.

They can ship their product to the customers through some automated dropshipping process and in which they collect the user information from the respective social media platforms. Hopefully, by now, you know how to use each social media platform to your advantage and make the best use of them.

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