The ongoing merger between BSNL and MTNL, two major telecom operators in India, is causing significant internet connectivity issues for users in Kerala. According to reports, the IP addresses assigned to connections in the state are now being sourced from the MTNL server in Mumbai, instead of the local BSNL servers.

This change has resulted in widespread complaints of websites not loading properly and sluggish internet speeds. Users are experiencing difficulties accessing online content and services, a stark contrast from the previous seamless connectivity.

The situation is expected to persist until the BSNL-MTNL merger process is completed. In the interim, users are advised to try restarting their modems, as this may temporarily assign an IP address from the BSNL server, potentially improving speeds.

BSNL Kerala that previously had no issues is now facing a tarnished reputation due to the MTNL-related problems, highlighting the far-reaching impact of the merger on customer satisfaction.

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