Creating a website used to be a difficult task that involved writing code and in-depth programming language knowledge. Nowadays, as more and more people are trying to be content creators online, there is an increased demand for easier methods of website creation.

Internet users start websites for a variety of reasons, such as marketing their businesses or for educational content. There are even ways to increase website traffic by using services such as SubscriberZ. But what about tools to create web pages? We are no longer limited to coding and WordPress, and the process has become extremely user friendly.

What is Squarespace?

Squarespace is an American web development company that offers a service that allows users to build a site from scratch, with no prior programming knowledge. Based on a drag-and-drop user interface, the company was started 17 years ago. Recently it has gained more popularity due to its ads on social media and podcasts.

How Does Squarespace Work?

The vision SquareSpace had when it started is to enable website building for any user who has enough knowledge to use a personal computer. In other words, if you can use a mouse and a keyboard, you can use Squarespace. Users can arrange blocks of content as they like, and there are many eye-catching themes to choose from. They also offer domain name hosting, further simplifying the process.

Users pay a monthly fee to access their websites (after the free trial period) and for hosting their domain. Their subscription services are relatively low but well worth the money.

What Features Can Users Expect?

Squarespace is feature-rich, even though it is very easy to use. These are some of the many features you can expect when using this service:

Mobile-Friendly Design

Everything designed through Squarespace is made to fit perfectly for smartphones, so there is no need to worry about awkward angles or creating a website that is difficult to use.

Vast Library Of Templates

Users are able to customize their websites by choosing from a variety of templates and color patterns. There are many options to choose from, and they are all visually appealing to give you the best website. All users need to do, is add text and photos to the templates, and choose a few optional additions.

Special Pages

Forms, payment pages, content pages, and social media buttons – these are all pages that make up a website. Squarespace provides pre-built templates that allow users to add special pages as they need. There is no need to design them because all the hard work is already done for you.

Overall, Squarespace has proven to be an excellent tool for its ease of use. There are over 1 million websites built by SquareSpace, to give you an idea of how fast this business is growing. There is no reason to hire a web designer and waste your money, you can do it all by yourself and customize the online presence of your business according to your tests and the image you want to create in your potential visitor’s mind.

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