The Microsoft Government Cloud is a broad scope cloud system that has been designed especially for State, Local, and U.S. Federal Governments to meet the U.S. Government’s absolute security and yielding regulations.

Microsoft Cloud Government caters to many government agencies such as HIPAA, CJIS, and FedRAMP as they meet all the security standards required by the governments. This service supports public, private, and government clouds through an integrated open platform. Microsoft Government Cloud was developed to meet all the requirements and norms of the GovCloud.

What is GovCloud?

GovCloud is a collection of all the cloud computing solutions and virtualization products that have been built, especially for all the government institutions, agencies, and organizations.
GovCloud was formed to manage and address all the cloud services that meet the basic IT needs and the financial, operational, and strategic objectives of the US Government.

What Can Microsoft Government Cloud Do for organizations?

Depending on the type of work or with whom the organization works, Microsoft has developed a broad range of cloud infrastructures to meet specific organizational needs. Microsoft offers three types of government clouds:

  • DoD cloud – developed for intelligence agencies.
  • Microsoft GCC High – Developed for highly classified government users and businesses linked to them.
  • Government Community Cloud – Developed for civilian, local, and federal government agencies.

Microsoft Cloud Services And Solutions For Government

Microsoft Azure Government

All the organizations, agencies, and businesses who want to opt-in for cloud services can look at Microsoft Azure Government. Azure provides a catalog of various services that organizations can use, including:

  • File Storage Systems
  • Mobile and Web Applications
  • Virtual Machines
  • Backup and Recovery

With Microsoft Azure, organizations and businesses get the advantage of getting access to a massive supply of computing resources provided by Microsoft and paying a nominal fee. Organizations don’t need to run it on their hardware or rent a data center through 3rd party services. With Azure organizations can host user directories, web servers, email servers, databases, file storage servers, Azure Virtual Desktop, and much more.

For any organization, creating a personal data center will cost them a lot and requires expensive hardware. Regular software updates and maintenance need to be carried out by skilled IT professionals to keep the data center healthy. With Microsoft Azure, businesses can eliminate these requirements and the risk of such huge investments.

Dynamics 365 Government

As the public sector in the US government has unique and evolving requirements, Microsoft has Developed Dynamics 365 Government suitable for all the qualified government entities in the US. It integrates all the protections that are given to the government community cloud focused at four discrete functions: Field Service, Sales, Project Service Automation and, Customer Service.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Government caters to these types of government and private entities:

  • Private entities with customer data can use Dynamics 365 Government to meet the regulatory requirements of the Government.
  • Dynamics 365 Government can help private entities by letting them provide services or solutions to a government entity.
  • United States local, federal, tribal, state, and territorial government entities.

As you see, Microsoft Government Cloud provides security, and power to the organization and Government Entities. Apps4Rent is another provider, who provides virtualization solutions such as Virtual Desktop with round-the-clock support and maintenance.