Apple has launched their new MacBook Air at New York on 29th October. The main highlights include a Retina display and Touch ID which is enabled by the T2 chip. The T2 chip contains SSD controller and other vital components like an image signal processor. The new MacBook Air model features 8GB of 2133MHz RAM, an Intel Core i5 processor (1.6GHz base clock, with Turbo up to 3.6GHz) with Intel UHD Graphics 617, and a 128GB SSD (up to 1.5TB). The price is set at $1,199 (Rs. 88,200). The MacBook Air will be available from November 7 and will be available in Gold, Silver, and Space Gray colour options.
As per specifications, the new MacBook Air has a backlit keyboard with individual lighting behind each key, based on the third-generation Butterfly mechanism that’s said to be 4 times more stable. There is also a brand new Force Touch trackpad, giving it 20 percent larger area apart from pressure-sensing capabilities. The new MacBook Air features a 13.3-inch Retina display with a 16:10 aspect ratio and a resolution of 2560×1600 pixels.
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The new set supports louder stereo speakers with more bass than before, and it features a three-mic array. There are two USB Type-C Thunderbolt 3 ports on the left side of the new MacBook Air, which will give it power, USB , Thunderbolt connectivity, HDMI, VGA, DisplayPort, and eGPU connectivity, depending upon the type of accessory connected at the end.
The MacBook Air s 720p FaceTime HD camera on top of the display, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Wireless connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11ac and Bluetooth v4.2. It is powered by a 50.3Wh battery. About design, Apple says the new MacBook occupies 17 percent less volume than the previous generation MacBook Air.