Quick Answer: To remove Reddit, Quora, YouTube, and TikTok from Google search result, add ‘-reddit -quora -youtube -tiktok’ at the end of your search query.

After the recent Google core algorithm update, many people are complaining that they are not getting proper search results. Now, the search result contains several spammy URLs ranked at the top or even in the featured snippet area. So, the actual results are buried somewhere down, which is not accessible to regular searchers.

Apart from the spam and other junk AI content, the Reddit and Quora placement at the top ruined the search experience. Earlier, real and original articles were listed at the top. But now, Spam pages, AI garbage pages, Reddit, Quora, YouTube, and TikTok videos are listed first. This makes the search extremely impossible to get a real answer.

Remove Reddit, Quora, YouTube, and TikTok From Google Search Results

Reddit, Quora, YouTube, and TikTok-like results may not be useful for all of us. Regular searchers like me don’t like those platform pages appearing on the SERP. If we need to search for any YouTube or TikTok video, we can do it directly from the YouTube and TikTok apps; there is no need to show them within the search results, same for Quora and Reddit.

However, we can completely remove them from the results.

To remove Reddit, Quora, etc., add those platform names with a ‘-‘ (minus sign) sign after your query.

For example, you are going to search from ‘the best printers for home use’, and you need to eliminate all the Reddit links, then use ‘the best printers for home use -reddit’

If you need to remove Reddit and Quora, use ‘the best printers for home use -reddit -quora’

To remove Reddit, Quora, YouTube, and TikTok altogether, use ‘the best printers for home use -reddit -quora -youtube -tiktok’

Similarly, you can add the website’s name with a ‘-‘ (minus sign) to eliminate them from the search results.

For me, by removing all those 4 platforms, the search result looks much better. However, spam and Junk content should be removed by Google itself.

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