Application store optimization is the most cost-effective way to organically grow your installations. Many startups spend huge amounts of money on advertising but neglect app store optimization. Application store optimization is the most economical method to organically increase your installations for a couple of reasons:

  1. According to Forrester, about 63% of all application installations come from general navigation in the application store. By optimizing your app to be discovered through search, you can dramatically increase the number of downloads you receive for your mobile app.
  2. It’s free! If you have a solid application store optimization strategy and run properly, you will receive tons of free and organic installations in your application.
1. Choose the right title

The name of your app plays a critical role in how users search and discover your app. A name that is simple and easy to remember can yield more successful search results. Choose a descriptive app name that reflects what your app does and is distinct and appropriate. Keep the app names as short and concise as possible.

The app descriptive is one of the key factors in the decision factor when downloading or searching the app. Make sure you write a good copy to make sure the purpose of your app is obvious. Do not forget to mention the most important benefits your app offers to users.

2. Use powerful images and formulations

The text and images you choose can be a powerful presentation for your app in the App Store. Your app name, developer name, categories, and keywords can greatly assist customers in finding your app. The clear description and compelling images you choose can lead customers to download your product.

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3. Description of the app: satisfy the curiosity of your customers

Write a clear, concise and informative description of the app. The first few lines are the most important part you have to describe your app. It’s your chance to make a great impression on a customer who is interested enough to seek out more information. Focus on the functionality and design of the app from the user’s point of view. Describe what makes your app special and describe the features that set it apart from other apps.

4. Choose app images and preview

The icon, screenshots and preview of your app can make you stand out in the store, the app page and the search results. App icons: your overall visual presence. Make your app icon memorable. The icon is app expensive for users so it should be easy to remember and well displayed in a small size. The memorable icons are clear and simple, showing only one look. They are recognized immediately and make users remember your app.

  • Screenshots: Pictures that tell the story of the app
    One of the most important elements to the success of your app are the screenshots. Create stunning and visually fascinating screen captures. Put the best screen shot first. Show the actual app view using the full screen, with no graphics or borders around the image. Focus on showing the user experience while interacting with your app. Images can be quite powerful. The first thing the user does when he finds your app in the store is to look at the screenshots. The images in your app can help you sell the app by displaying the best features of the app. Make sure your picture supports other people’s links about your app. A framework that includes reviews of apps, demos, blog posts, pictures, and other things that show that the app is being used by multiple people and that they share their opinion of the app.
  • App preview (optional)
    An app preview demonstrates the features, features, and user interface of your app in a short video that users can watch directly from the App Store. For a detailed description, see the “Apps Preview” page on the Apple Developers website. Remember: A happy customer is an ambassador for your app. Keep in touch with your users who have posted negative reviews about your app. Solve your problems. Once you’ve solved the bugs, let them know. Turn unhappy users into potential ambassadors for your app. Also, in this process you will learn a great deal about your clients’ perceptions and how much value this perception brings to them.

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5. Pay attention to the ratings, opinions and description

When was the last time you downloaded an app that had a star? Ratings and comments are not as important to discovery as the keywords and the title, but they have a huge impact on conversion rates. Users are probably more likely to download your app if it has received a large number of positive comments. Be sure to also include an interesting and compelling description to explain to users what your application does!

This is the best time to acquire users, and the best way to acquire users is to lower your app’s entry barrier. If your app is paid, this is a good time to give a considerable discount or even leave it free for a period of time. That way you can boost other forms of monetization and generate a lot more revenue than you normally would. Offer discounts also on products and services sold within your app (In-App Purchases), because January is a good time to convert even more free users into payers.


It’s not enough simply to throw your app on Google Play, the Apple Store, and the like, and think you’re going to get rich overnight. In the vast majority of cases, it takes more than a good app, that runs right, without bugs, attractive design and popular appeal. A dollar or two can decide whether or not your app will succeed at the time of purchase. As such, you should experiment with various pricing strategies and reduce the price over time to attract more consumers. One thing to test at the moment is to take into account the app developers Dubai and set a pricing strategy according to the average market price.

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