Lava has launched a new smarphone in their flair series, the Lava Flair Z1 which will be available at a price of Rs. 5,699. The smartphone will be available exclusively via Snapdeal from Thursday onwards.
The smartphone supports dual-SIM and runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop. The smartphone features a 5 Inch FWVGA TFT display with resolution of 854×480 pixels. The smartphone is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor with 1GB of RAM.
The Flair Z1 comes with an internal memory of 8GB which can be further expanded up to 32GB via microSD card.
(Also see : Lava Flair E1- Budget Android Phone Launched at Rs. 2,749)
The handset features a 5MP rear camera with LED flash that comes with HD recording, grid feature, photo timer, and HDR mode and a 2MP front-facing secondary camera. In case of connectivity, the smartphone includes 3G, Wi-Fi, USB 2.0, GPS, and Bluetooth 2.1 options. The smartphone is packed with a 2000mAh Lo-Po battery, which is claimed to deliver up to 15 hours 30 minutes of talk time on 2G networks and 9 hours 40 minutes talk time on 3G.
(Also see: Lava Iris X1 Atom S With 3G and 5MP Camera Launched at Price of Rs. 4,149)
- Display : 5 Inch
- Resolution : 854×480 pixels
- Processor : 1.3GHz quad-core
- RAM : 1GB
- Storage : 8GB, expandable up to 32GB
- Rear Camera : 5MP
- Front Camera : 2MP
- OS : Android 5.0 Lollipop
- Battery capacity : 2000mAh