Indian smartphone maker Karbonn has launched their new smartphone in Titanium series, the Titanium Mach One Plus which will be available at a price of Rs. 6,990. The smartphone will be available via online and via retail outlet now and will be in Blue Black, White, and Gold colours. The main highlighted of the Karbonn Titanium Mach One Plus is that, device features SwiftKey Keypad integration (SwiftKey 3.0), which will allow users to chat in up to 22 Indian languages.
The smartphone supports single-SIM and runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop with company’s own new Material Light theme UI. The smartphone features a 4.7 Inch HD IPS display with a resolution of 720×1280 pixels. It is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek processor with 2GB of RAM. The handset comes with an internal memory of 16GB which can be further expanded up to 32GB via microSD card.
(Also see : Karbonn Aura With 5MP Camera Launched At Rs. 4,990)
The smartphone features an 8MP rear camera with LED flash and a 5MP front-facing secondary camera. The smartphone comes preloaded with some of the applications such as Flipkart, Opera, OLX, Amazon, Hungama Movies, Savan, CleanMaster etc. The details about the battery is unknown.
(Also see : InFocus M810 With 13MP Camera and 2500mAh Battery Launched at Rs. 14,999)
- Display : 4.7 Inch
- Resolution : 720×1280 pixels
- Processor : 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek
- RAM : 2GB
- Storage : 16GB, expandable up to 32GB
- Rear Camera : 8MP
- Front Camera : 5MP
- OS : Android 5.0 Lollipop
- Battery capacity : no-details