The foreign exchange market is simply huge. There’s no other way of putting it. According to the most recent estimations, the forex market is worth somewhere around $5 trillion. And despite the recent economic problems that occurred due to the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, the forex market has remained relatively stable.
You’re new to the forex market? Well, we have news for you: there’s a lot to learn and you better learn quickly if you don’t want to spend years making bad trades and losing a lot of money. How can you learn a lot in a short amount of time? Through communication, interaction, and collaboration with other, more experienced forex traders.
Other traders can provide signals that tell you when to buy and sell forex pairs. If you want to have the best forex signals list by ForexRobotNation and increase your profit, you need to join the best groups. Make sense so far, right? Today, we’re going to show you some of the biggest forex signal groups and tell you everything you need to know before joining one.
Why Are Forex Groups so Popular?
Why do so many people join forex signal groups in the first place? That’s because, when they’re good, they can give you a lot of value. Unlike paid signal providers, these groups often give accurate signals, which help up-and-coming traders make their first profit.
In addition to traditional signal providing, these groups also allow traders to connect with each other. By posting and exchanging messages, you can trade experiences with the new ones, and soak up knowledge from the older group members.
It pays off to be a forex group member while you’re still learning, but you don’t have anyone around you to learn from. But where can you find these groups? Can you find them out in the open or do you have to dig around? Are the public groups on social media any good?
Is Facebook a Valid Platform for Traders?
There are many successful traders on some of the biggest social media platforms out there. Some traders are Twitter influencers others market their courses on Instagram, however, a vast majority of them spend time on Facebook.
Why is Facebook such a popular platform among traders?
For starters, it’s a platform that allows you to write, post audio, as well as video material. If you want to post a chart with a few lines of written text, explaining what the chart means. Outside the groups, you can follow many of these traders and see their opinion on different industry topics.
10 Biggest Forex Signal Groups on Social Media
You’ve decided to start entering forex groups on Facebook. But you don’t know where to start. We can’t blame you. There are hundreds of forex-related groups on the network. Picking the ones that matter is easier said than done.
That’s why we’ve come up with a list of 10 forex groups that you should check out…
1. Forex Robot Nation Telegram
Definitely the biggest forex group on there, eToro is one of the largest groups you’ll find anywhere. The posts in this group often take a shape of conversation starters rather than promotional announcements. You can learn a lot here.
2. InstaForex
InstaForex is the second biggest group and one of the largest brokers on the Asian continent. The group doesn’t have too many promotional posts, but there are many useful videos and infographics posted daily.
3. Profit Forex Signal
This signal-providing group is perfect for newcomers and experienced members. They give great signals on a regular basis that will help you make a profit. The only catch is that you have to pay a monthly fee to be a member.
4. Free Forex Signal
Just as the name suggests, this group gives great, profitable advice for free. The seasoned traders that use Free Forex Signal often post about their experiences to teach other members and report their success on Facebook.
5. Indian Forex
This is the go-to place for traders who want to have insight into the INR. In particular, people who trade the USD/INR pair mostly populate the group. In addition to signals, the group is lighthearted, and members often post memes and funny videos.
6. Forex Fund International
This is the official page of the FFI, an international fund management firm, which specializes in forex. Although their page doesn’t post a lot of content, they often post “words of wisdom” from some of the biggest names in the trading industry.
7. Forex Art Of War
This is the main promotional vehicle behind the immensely successful Forex Art of War training course. The page is surprisingly useful, with daily videos, insights, and analysis being posted by the author himself.
8. Forex School Online
Want to learn about forex? Then you need to check out the Forex School Online and their Facebook group. The group is an active community with a lot of insight and discussion regarding the forex market.
9. Forex Count
This is a page from the Forex Count broker, which is mainly used for news, analysis, and forecast sharing about the currency market. Many useful links to studies, reports, and news regarding the industry can be found here.
The last spot on the list is reserved for the leading broker in the United States, FXCM. Most of their tips concern their platform and how to use it better. There are some links to outside tutorials and courses, but you’ll get the most value if you’re an FXCM user.
The Bottom Line
Even when a page is mainly trying to attract as many people as possible to a particular website, you can still have use of it. That’s because, in order to attract new visitors, the page needs to provide actual value to its target audience.
More traditional groups allow you to connect with members, acquire links to useful content, and gain valuable information concerning forex trading. The right group will give you the best forex signals and allow you to prosper, early on in your trading career.