Web users are not willing to read through your web posts and your content to find the answer to their question. They want to know now. Seeking a solution to a problem is the first contact most people have with a brand online.
A lengthy blog post can address the issue. Yet your audience prefers brands that don’t waste their time. Here are some tips on how to make sure your website can deliver the right answer in the shortest possible time.
Let your HTML code bring the answer
Search engines are the quickest platforms for your audience to find the right answer. Google displays a short text to illustrate the different web links listed in the SERPs. This text consists of approximately 156 characters and is called the meta description. Websites can use their meta descriptions to emphasise on the page content, highlight keywords, and display the main topic. Typically, you create the meta description text within the HTML code, but most content management tools let you add it to the page creation. Nowadays, Google also uses answer boxes that appear towards the top of the SERP to showcase the most relevant answer to the user’s search. This is a featured snippet, which you can also optimise directly in your HTML code.
Introduce a helpful forum/chat window
While you can include the answer to generic queries in your HTML, it’s not enough to tackle precise and detailed problems. Not all brands can create content to address rare issues that only affect a handful of their customers. Yet, they can create a platform dedicated to the support of customers, such as a live chat or a forum. On a forum, anybody can scroll through previous questions and answers. On a live chat, you’ll need to implement smart languages such as java reactive programming to keep the interaction meaningful for each guest. Nobody likes to walk into the middle of a conversation! Reactive programming can ensure each “event” is displayed in full to newcomers, even if the conversation started before they arrived.
Introduce filter options
Your navigation menu can guide people to the right high-level content. But when they are following questions, you may want to introduce a filter tool that lets them narrow-down the search. A web visitor could tick all the statements that apply so your site could display only the most relevant pieces of content.
Have a diagnostic tool
Tech businesses or DIY shops are likely to face unique queries. You know the kind.
I did that and added that element, and now nothing works. What do I do next?
These require dedicated support. Yet you can speed up things with a diagnostic tool that uses machine learning to search through all your relevant information and data. Machine learning can research through large volumes of data and proceed to quick analysis. If you can store information about a variety of client cases and product errors, for instance, you can use machine learning to provide a self-diagnosing tool that can help users solve their issues.
Web users have a short attention span. Providing rapid and useful answers to their problems doesn’t mean creating new blog posts. It’s all about feeding them the piece of information they need when they need it and avoiding the rest of your content.
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