Panasonic launched their new selfie focused smartphone, Eluga S smartphone in India, the Eluga S Mini is priced at Rs. 8,990. This smartphone support Duak SIM and will runs on Android 4.4.2 KitKat with company’s own FIT HOME UI on top. The phone features a 4.7 Inch HD display with 720×1280 pixels resolution. The smartphone is powered by an 1.4GHz octa-core processor and 1GB of RAM.
The Panasonic Eluga S Mini also comes with a 8MP rear camera with LED flash and a 5MP front-facing camera with Blink Play technology. The phone also packed with 8GB of inbuilt storage which can be expanded up to 32GB.
The smartphone supports 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS, and Micro-USB connectivity. It also features light sensor, proximity sensor and accelerometer also like Micromax Unity 3 this phone also support Indian languages, but here the phones supports 21 Indian languages where as Micromax Unity 3 supports only 10. It also provided with a 1980mAh Li-Po battery. The phone will be available in Frost White and Shadow Grey colour variants.
- Display : 4.7 Inch
- Resolution : 720×1280 pixels
- Processor : 1.4GHz octa-core
- RAM : 1GB
- Storage : 8GB, expandable upto 32GB
- Rear Camera : 8MP
- Front Camera : 5MP
- OS : Android 4.4.2 Kitkat
- Battery capacity : 1980mAh