Oppo has launched a new smartphone Oppo Neo 5s to the Indian market, but the price of the phone is not announced yet. The Oppo Neo 5s features 4G LTE connectivity, support dual SIM with one Micro-SIM and another Nano-SIM. It runs on Android 4.4.2 KitKat-based Color OS 2.0.1.
The Oppo Neo 5s features a 4.5 Inch IPS TFT display with a resolution of 480×854 pixels. It is powered by a 64-bit 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor with 1GB of RAM. The phone comes with 8GB of built-in storage that can be expanded up to 128GB. It feature a 8MP rear camera with LED flash, and a 2MP front-facing camera. The handset camera also includes scene detection, Panaroma, geo-tagging, double exposure, smile shot, and HDR options.
(Also See Videocon Infinium Z51 Nova)
The phone also packed with a 2000mAh non-removable battery. It comes in in Black and White colours. It features ambient light sensor, g-sensor, and magnetometer. The phone also having features include easy screenshot capturing with three finger swipe, screen-off gestures, Beautify 3.0 image editing mode, double exposure for overlapping two images, Pure Image 2.0+ image creation engine, and double layer metallic structure, capturing images using the volume up and down buttons while the screen is off.